How to Add Buttons and Actions to Workflows

Create dynamic buttons to trigger actions and progress workflow stages without coding. Effortlessly add buttons to your workflow's stages.


Buttons with actions are a fundamental part of's workflow creation process. Not only can you add buttons to perform basic actions when clicked, but you can also create conditional logic for an action or combination of actions to occur when certain criteria has been met.

For example, if a user selects the "Close" option of a radio button then the assessment status can be set to "Closed" and the user is advanced to the "Thank you" stage when clicking on the button.

Buttons are a powerful way to advance your workflow and trigger actions in workflows. You can add buttons to your workflows by clicking on the "Button" option on the component toolbar on any stage of the workflow. And best of all, no coding is required to create your workflow.

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Example Usage

You could add a button to a workflow to:

  • Change the status of a workflow.
  • Make a stage read-only.
  • Add a visual effect when clicked.
  • Progress the workflow to a different stage.
  • To do a combination of the above.


  1. Open an existing workflow or create a new new workflow.
  2. Click on the "Button" option on the component toolbar to add the button to the workflow canvas.
  3. Configure the settings of the button in the "Button settings" pane on the right hand side of the flow builder.
  4. Drag the button to the desired location on the stage canvas.
  5. Use the button grab handles to change the button width and height.
  6. Select or create other stages to add buttons to other stages for multi-stage workflows.
Component toolbar - add a button to your workflow
Select the "Button" component to add a button to your workflow


Button Settings

The following general settings can be configured for buttons:

  • Button label: Enter the name of the button that will appear on the button.
  • Button color: Select the button color.
  • Text color: The name of the button label.
  • Viewers: Select who can see the button.
  • Editors: Select who can press the button.
  • Action: Select one or more actions to occur when the button is pressed.
  • Conditional: Select the "Conditional" checkbox to easily create logic for actions to occur only when a certain condition or combination of conditions are met.
Button settings
Configure your button settings with regular actions or conditional actions.

Workflow Actions

There are two primary concepts when adding actions to buttons:

  1. Actions - actions are regular actions that will always be performed when the button is clicked.
  2. Conditional Actions - conditional actions are performed when the button is clicked where certain conditions are met based on other components on the workflow canvas.

Actions and Conditional Actions open up a world of flexibility when building your workflows allowing you to build workflows for many different use cases. Actions are used for basic workflows or stages where as Conditional Actions provide you with many options to determine how the workflow will progress based on user input in other workflow components.

For example, if I wanted people to fill out a form and progress to the next step, then we would simply add an action to progress to Stage 2 of the workflow, we would simply select the "Change stage" option from the "Action" drop-down and select "Stage 2". Every time the button is clicked, the user will always go to Stage 2. If I had a form with a drop-down field that included the options "Stage 2" and "Stage 3", you could use a conditional action to move the user to "Stage 2" of the workflow when they select the "Stage 2" option from the drop-down to to "Stage 3" if they selected the "Stage 3" option fro the drop-down.

Conditional actions provide you with the power to build action rules without complexity or coding.


To add an action to a button, click on the "Action" drop-down field and select the desired action. Available actions include:

  1. Change Status
  2. Change Stage
  3. Make Stage Editable
  4. Make Stage Read Only
  5. Visual Effect
Workflow actions drop-down options
Action button options
Change Status

Change the status of the workflow. Enter the name of the workflow status that you require when the button is clicked.

Change status action
When clicked the status will change to "In progress".
Change Stage

Change there stage of your workflow when the button is clicked. You may design your workflow to have multiple stages (think different pages of your workflow) that you would like to navigate users to as they progress through the workflow. Select the "Change Stage" action and select the stage from the drop-down that you would like to direct the user to when the button is clicked.

Change stage action
When clicked the stage will change to "Stage 2".
Make Stage Read Only

Make one or more stages "Read Only" when completing assessments on clicking the button. When a stage becomes "read only", all fields on the stage will no longer be editable and any buttons will not be clickable. This is a good action to use when you want to lock down form input on certain stages as someone progresses through the assessment. You can select one or more stages to become read only by selecting the "Read Only" option multiple times from the "Action" drop-down. If you would like the stage to become editable again, simply add a button to the workflow canvas with the "Make Stage Editable" action.

Make a stage read only
Make a stage "read only". In this example, Stage 2 will become "read only" when the button is clicked.
Make Stage Editable

Where a stage has been set to "read only" using the "Read Only" action, use the "Make Stage Editable" action to allow editing of the stage fields and enable the clicking on buttons on the stage when completing assessments. Select the "Make Stage Read Only" option from the "Action" drop-down and select the stage that you would like to make editable. You can select one or more stages to become editable by selecting the "Make Stage Read Only" option multiple times from the "Action" drop-down.

Make a stage editable
Make a stage "editable". In this example, Stage 1 will become editable again once the button is clicked.

Visual Effect

Visual effect actions add a fun and rewarding on-screen effect when the button is clicked. This might be used when someone completing an assessment reaches a milestone in completing the workflow. To apply a visual effect when the button is clicked, click on the "Action" drop-down field and select the "Visual Effect" option. Currently "Confetti" is the only available visual effect. Click on the "Eye" icon to preview the effect.

Add a visual effect to the workflow
The "Confetti" visual effect will display on-screen when the button is clicked.
Multiple Actions

Multiple actions can be selected applied to buttons allowing multiple actions to occur when the button is clicked. Select the actions that you require from the "Actions" drop-down. There is no limit to the number of actions that will take place when a button is clicked.

Multiple actions
Example of multiple actions that will occur when the button is clicked.


Adding buttons and actions to workflows are a great way to control the flow of your workflows and to provide users with a more interactive experience. By following the steps above, you can add buttons and actions to workflows in