How to Add a Date & Time Picker field to a workflow

Effortlessly select dates and times with the Date & Time Picker field, a valuable addition to your workflow assessments.


The Date & Time Picker field is a useful field to add to your workflows to allow the selection of a date, time or both when completing workflow assessments.

Configuration options for the date and time picker field include the date format, time format, selectable range (prior to present day or in the future only), picker display options (show one or two months on selection), who can view and add input to the field, display data from another date & time picker field, set the field as mandatory, set the field as inactive and add the field result to the assess table.

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Example Usage

The Date & Time Picker field can be used in any workflow where the a date and/or time selection is required.

Some examples might include:

  • Selecting a due date
  • Selecting a date and time when an incident occurred
  • Selecting a date and time to confirm when maintenance will be performed

The date and time picker field is very flexible and can be used for any purpose as part of your workflow use case.


  1. Open an existing workflow or create a new workflow.
  2. Click on the "Date & Time Picker" option on the component toolbar to add the field to your workflow canvas.
  3. Configure the settings of the field in the "Date Picker Settings" pane on the right hand side of the flow builder.
  4. Drag the "Date & Time Picker" field to the desired location on the stage canvas.
  5. Use the grab handles to change the width of the "Date & Time Picker" field.
Add the date & time picker field to the workflow canvas
Add the "Date & Time Picker" field to your workflow canvas


The following general settings are available to configure the "Date & Time Picker" field:

  • Label: Add a text label to display text above the date and time picker field. Delete this text if you do not want a label to be displayed.
  • Date Format: Select the date format that you would like to be recorded when selecting a date. Options include dd/mm/yyyy, dd/mm/yy, mm/dd/yyyy, mm/dd/yy, dd Month yyyy and dd Mon yyyy.
  • Time Format: Select the time format that you would like to display when a time is selected. Options include 12 hour or 24 hour time formats.
  • Options: Set the date and time picker field options to allow selection of the date only, time only or both date and time.
  • Range: The range determines which periods of time are available for selection in the date and time picker field. By default, the "Any date or time" option is selected allowing for the selection of any time or date in the past or into the future. Select the "After present time" option if you only want to allow the selection of future dates and time or select the "Before present time" option if you only want to allow the selection of dates and time in the past.
  • Picker: The picker option is a setting to display the number of months to display when searching for a date on selection. By default, a calendar displaying one month of dates will be displayed. Select the "Two months" option to display dates spanning two months,
  • Viewers: By default, anyone will be able to view the date and time picker field. If you would like to restrict who can view the field when completing assessments, select the role or individual people from the "Viewers" drop-down field.
  • Editors: By default, anyone will be able to select the date or time picker value. If you would like to restrict who can select a date and time picker value when completing assessments, select the role or individual people from the "Editors" drop-down field.
  • Display Data From: If you have another date and time picker field, you can automatically populate the value from that field to display in another date and time picker field. This is particularly useful where you have a workflow stage which is a confirmation page based on previously input values to summarise what was input. Click on the "Display data from" dropdown to select another date and time picker field. The field will be read only when displaying data from another field.
  • Inactive: When clicking the "Inactive" checkbox, the date and time picker field will be displayed in an inactive state and the field will not accept any input.
  • Required: Select the "Required" checkbox if a selection is required in the date and time picker field when completing assessments. Validation will occur when someone clicks on a button where the button's "Check required" setting is selected.
  • Required Text: If the "Required" checkbox is selected a message will appear below the date and time picker field advising that the field requires a selection on button click. Change the "Required text" to display your own custom validation message.
  • Add to assess table: Select this option if you would like the field value to be displayed as a column when viewing all assessments under the "Assess" page.
Date & time picker field settings
Date & Time Picker field settings

Conditional Display

Conditional display provides you with the ability to display the date and time picker field when certain conditions are met with other fields in the workflow. For example, if I add a radio button field to the workflow canvas with the options Yes, No and Other. When someone selects "Other" then the date and time picker field will be displayed.

  • IF: Select the "Field" option from the drop-down (currently the only value available)
  • Field: Select a radio, dropdown or checkbox field that has been added to any stage canvas of your workflow.
  • Equals: Select the field value that will result in the date and time picker field being displayed.
Date & Time Field conditional display settings
Conditional display set for the "Date & Time Picker" field


The Date & Time Picker field is an easy to add and configure field for your workflow. Use the Date & Time Picker field for any workflow use case where the date, time or both date and time need to be selected.