How to Add a Signature Pad to a workflow

Request hand-written signatures for assessment workflows with's Signature Pad feature, enhancing official sign-offs.


The signature pad is a field that is added to workflows by selecting the "Signature Pad" option from the component toolbar and is used to request hand written signatures when completing assessment workflows.

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Example Usage

The signature pad is used anywhere an official written signature is required and is flexible depending on your specific workflow use case.

Some examples where a workflow might be used include:

  • Official workflow sign-off by certain individuals
  • Requesting a signature for legal requirements
  • Acknowledging correct completion of certain workflow stages


  1. Open an existing workflow or create a new workflow.
  2. Click on the "Signature Pad" option on the component toolbar to add the field to your workflow canvas.
  3. Configure the settings of the field in the "Signature Pad Settings" pane on the right hand side of the flow builder.
  4. Drag the "Signature Pad" field to the desired location on the stage canvas.
  5. Use the grab handles to change the width of the "Signature Pad" field.
Add signature pad to workflow from component tool bar
Add the "Signature Pad" to your workflow canvas


The following general settings are available to configure the "Signature Pad" field:

  • Label: Add a text label to display text above the signature pad field. Delete this text if you do not want a label to be displayed.
  • Viewers: By default, anyone will be able to view the signature pad field. If you would like to restrict who can view the field when completing assessments, select the role or individual people from the "Viewers" drop-down field.
  • Editors: By default, anyone will be able to sign the signature pad. If you would like to restrict who can sign the signature pad when completing assessments, select the role or individual people from the "Editors" drop-down field.
  • Inactive: When clicking the "Inactive" checkbox, the signature pad will be displayed in an inactive state and the field will not accept a signature.
  • Required: Select the "Required" checkbox if a signature is required when completing assessments. Validation will occur when someone clicks on a button where the button's "Check required" setting is selected.
  • Required Text: If the "Required" checkbox is selected a message will appear below the signature pad field advising that a signature is required on button click. Change the "Required text" to display your own custom validation message.
Signature pad settings
Signature Pad settings

Conditional Display

Conditional display provides you with the ability to display the signature pad when certain conditions are met with other fields in the workflow. For example, if I add a radio button field to the workflow canvas with the options Yes, No and Other. When someone selects "Other" then the signature pad field will be displayed.

  • IF: Select the "Field" option from the drop-down (currently the only value available)
  • Field: Select a radio, dropdown or checkbox field that has been added to any stage canvas of your workflow.
  • Equals: Select the field value that will result in the signature pad being displayed.
Signature pad conditional display settings
Conditional display set for the "Signature Pad".


The signature pad is easy to use and add to your workflows where official individual signatures are required. Simply add the signature pad component to your workflow, configure the desired settings and publish your workflow to start receiving signatures when completing working assessments.